A lot of times we get the same question from customers of whether they need to be home when we come to pump our their septic tanks. The short answer is not necessarily and definitely not the whole time we are there but we do recommend someone be present when we are finishing up especially if your septic tank was backed up before we came to pump it out. The reason we suggest someone be home at the end is so they can flush a toilet to make sure everything is moving smoothly. One thing we cannot see while we pump out your septic tank is what is left in your pipes. There are times when we empty the septic tank out but the water will keep backing up in the house. In this case, we must hydrojet your septic lines to remove any grease that is left in the pipes. The only way to be sure that we got everything we could is by someone being home and able to flush the toilet. In the case where someone cannot be home, we suggest hydrojetting the septic lines no matter what so any grease that is stuck in there is released which will help prevent future problems.